Dillon George

Dillon George

Hey, what's up? :) My name is Dillon George, but everyone calls me Dill. I'm a 21-year-old photographer born and raised in the suburbs of New Jersey. As a photographer, I strive to create a fusion of fashion and documentary-based work. Challenging the traditional boundaries between these polar opposite styles opens my work to thought-provoking themes that capture the true essence of my subjects and the world around them. From the moment I first held a camera in my hands in 2016, the world around me transformed into a tapestry of visual wonders waiting to be captured. I may not had the best equipment, but I didn't let that stop me. Creativity over circumstance always wins.

Even when trials and tribulations occur, my passion drives me to connect with others and evoke empathy while creating curiosity through my work. I value human connection; within this art form, I can speak to anyone who views my work without words.

I've been a storyteller ever since I was a young kid. Exploring different creative outlets has always had me creating with whatever material I could get my hands on. 

My favorite part of what I do is simply bringing my ideas to life and watching the process pan out.

I have so far had the pleasure of curating with the surrounding community. Showcasing my peers has allowed me to create bodies of work with a personal connection to me. I hope one day, in the future, I can curate with @HalleBailey and @Kaytranada. 📸

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